Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Autumn Adventures

Today, during science, we took a walk to enjoy the autumn colors.  Each of the students took a picture of the leaves.  After picking out two leaves for a contest (biggest, most colorful) we went to the studio.  There we looked at everyone's pictures and applied a few Photoshop techniques.  These are a few of our photos.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Science & Latin

Today in science, we were learning about mass and wieght.  The students made balances to measure mass and spring scales to measure weight.  Also, we began a new lesson of Latin.  They are trying to get a class average of 90 or above to qualify to make short Latin stories and play fun Latin games at

Adding wieght to the spring scale

Trying to make the balance

Trying out the balance

Ellen teaching the Latin lesson

Friday, October 15, 2010

5 in 4

Today, the entire school had a fun day!  This is because all the students completed 5 days of work in 4 days.  We broke up the school into groups and had skits (with skit bags) and played Wii, XBox and many other exciting games.  Also, today many of the students began learning how to double dutch.  Mrs. Ketron showed many of the students how to do it.  Also, the boys played football with Mr. O'Connor.

Mrs. Ketron giving a demonstration

Telling Juanita when to jump in

Jesse giving a demonstration of his own
Beth joins in the fun!
Mr. O'Connor showing how a running back plays.
Playing football.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

The students are learning Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.  Enjoy!

Preamble to the Constitution

Memorize the Preamble and be ready to recite it to the class by Thursday.  Check out future blog posts to see the students reciting it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Video of Computer

Creative Day

Today we had the most fun day in school. We did exciting experiments. Thrilling music. And we learned amazing things about computers and videos from Miss Williams and Mrs Kirk. All these things are fun in school. I think my teacher is the best one in the world.  -Michael

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Music Class

The students had a lot of fun in music class today.  They are learning to play Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.  Mrs. Hier plays the dime and quarter game with them.  The fastest ones to respond & listen get lots of credits! 
Each part is clapping out their rhythms

Clapping out their parts before playing on the synths.

The students get to play on the synths!


We made our goal! Because we completed 5 days of math in 4 days, we got to have waffles during math today. Thanks to Mrs. Frost, the waffles were cooked perfectly. Of course, waffles would not be complete without butter, maple syrup, whipping cream, and strawberries piled high. We are now looking forward to making another goal for next week.

Sensational Science and Typing Times

It was a thrilling day, as we learned the scientific method. We had a hypothesis that sugar would blow up the ballon the most. We put yeast and molasses, yeast and sugar, and plain yeast to three different bottles with warm water. We wanted to know which let off the most gas. Next, we placed balloons on top of the bottle to see which balloon would be blown up the most. After we conducted our test, we realized that molasses lets off the most gas.
Finally, we got to do computer lab. We brainstormed on what we could do (that would be fun) during computer lab.

We got two lessons done in math, so that we could qualify for our goal! It was very hard to do, but we were persistant in our work so we completed it.


Today the students had electives for the first time. The girls had physical education with Mr. O'Connor and the boys went to the audio studio with Mr. Martucci.

Today we wrote about our fantastic summer. I wrote about going to my grandpa and grandma's. Also, I had reading with Mrs. Hicks. Today was very fun. -Tim M.

It was an exciting day today, doing P.E. with my Uncle John. It hurt my side running so much, but it was very fun anyway. - Juanita
I really had a lot of fun with my Uncle John doing exercises! First, we did stretches in the big building, then we went outside and ran around the track. After that we came in and did jumprope and talked about goals to do!   -Ruby
My dad came in for P.E. today. We did track running and jumprope. It was so exciting. I am looking forward to next week. -Rose

Today we went over to the studio to talk about fun, exhilarating songs to record with the 8th and 9th grade. If we quickly record some good songs, we will get pizza and slurpees! - Tim K.

The Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address was given by President Abraham Lincoln to the people at Gettysburg November 19, 1863.  It was given at the Gettysburg cemetery after the battle had taken place.  Click the picture for a larger view.