Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today the students had electives for the first time. The girls had physical education with Mr. O'Connor and the boys went to the audio studio with Mr. Martucci.

Today we wrote about our fantastic summer. I wrote about going to my grandpa and grandma's. Also, I had reading with Mrs. Hicks. Today was very fun. -Tim M.

It was an exciting day today, doing P.E. with my Uncle John. It hurt my side running so much, but it was very fun anyway. - Juanita
I really had a lot of fun with my Uncle John doing exercises! First, we did stretches in the big building, then we went outside and ran around the track. After that we came in and did jumprope and talked about goals to do!   -Ruby
My dad came in for P.E. today. We did track running and jumprope. It was so exciting. I am looking forward to next week. -Rose

Today we went over to the studio to talk about fun, exhilarating songs to record with the 8th and 9th grade. If we quickly record some good songs, we will get pizza and slurpees! - Tim K.

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